A fresh, unrefined certified organic cold pressed seed oil rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids. An excellent choice for those who already have quality omega 6 sources in their diet or those wanting to build their omega 3 levels before switching to a balanced blend such as Udos Choice. A delightful nutty taste makes it easy to mix into your food or smoothie.
Flax oil is an excellent source of omega 3 EFAs but is a poor source of omega 6 EFAs. Flax is considered to be too rich in omega 3 for the long-term and can lead to omega 6 deficiency, because omega 3 and omega 6 EFAs compete for enzyme space in our cells.
Although it is generally considered that the western diet contains enough omega 6, they generally come from poor, damaged sources. Todays main sources of omega 6 are cooking oils and margarines, which have been processed heavily with harsh chemicals to ensure a long shelf life. This has left us in the situation where although we do get some omega 6 intake, it is damaged to the extent where it is now harmful, rather than beneficial to health.
Unrefined Organic Flax seed oil
- Take 1 to 3 tablespoons (15-45ml) of fresh flax oil per day.
- Take it straight from the spoon, or mixed in with food.
- Do not heat/cook with flax oil.
Uses for:
- Eczema-like skin eruptions
- Hair loss
- Behavioral changes
- Kidney malfunction
- Water loss through the skin with attendant to thirst
- Glands dry up
- Susceptibility to infections
- Wounds fail to heal
- Male sterility
- Female miscarriage
- Arthritis-like joint pain
- Heart beat abnormalities
- Growth retardation
- Dry skin and hair
- Dry eyes