AlkaBath® stimulates the skin's natural oils and at the same time cleanses the skin, making it perfectly supple.
Experience the special value of the finely ground eight precious stones agate, carneol, citrine, chrysoprase, chalcedony, sapphire, rock crystal and onyx. AlkaBath concentrated bath salts are highly economical. For a full bath you need only three tablespoons and for a hip bath one heaped tablespoon. A heaped teaspoonful is sufficient for salt compresses, salt rinses and footbaths.
- AlkaBath concentrated bath salts are highly economical. For a full bath you need only three tablespoons and for a hip bath one heaped tablespoon. A heaped teaspoonful is sufficient for salt compresses, salt rinses and footbaths.
- A bath temperature of 36°– 38° C (97°–100° F) is recommended for full baths, for foot baths it is 38°– 41° C (100° - 106° F). The bathing times should be of at least 30 minutes, ideal are 45 - 60 minutes or longer. Three tablespoons of AlkaBath suffice for a full bath and one tablespoon for a hip bath. One heaped teaspoon suffices for compresses, rinses, inhalations and foot baths.