Each Udo's Choice Digestive Enzyme Vegetarian Capsule contains seven plant-based enzymes, assisting the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, sugars and fibre, aiding a healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. Naturally occuring enzymes are often lost in the preparation and cooking process and Udos Choice Digestive Enzymes are there to help replace the amount of enzymes in your body.
- Seven different digestive enzymes in every capsule - required to break down and metabolise the full range of food types - protein, fat, starch, soluble and insoluble fibre, milk sugar, and other complex sugars.
- Guaranteed enzyme activity - The Udo´s Choice Digestive Blend is made according to FCC (Food Chemical Codex) methods.
- A rich source of protein-digesting enzymes - we use at least five kinds of proteases as undigested proteins are the main cause of food-related digestive complaints.
- Precision and Balance - this Enzyme Blend contains enzymes to replace those destroyed during the cooking and processing of foods. The enzyme combinations it contains are deliberately chosen and precisely balanced to optimise the body´s utilisation of nutrients.
- 100% Plant-based Digestive Enzymes which have a strong record of safe use in the food industry and are suitable for both vegetarians and meat eaters.
175 mg of pure vegetable source enzyme blend with the following guaranteed activity:
- Alpha-amylase 5000 DU
- Lactase 37.5mg ALU
- Alpha-galactosidase 260 GalU
- Protease 12500 HUT
- Cellulase 400 CU
- Lipase 150 LU
- Stem bromelain 50000 PU
In a base of beetroot fibre in easy-to-swallow vegetarian capsules.