An easy, natural solution for achieving the benefits of following a “Ketogenic Lifestyle.”
KetoLiving™ is a system of products specially designed to provide the support you need to live a successful Keto or LCHF (Low-Carb, High-Fat) lifestyle.
KetoLiving Multi is the only multivitamin that delivers a complete array of vitamins, minerals, ketogenic whole foods and ketosis-promoting probiotics. KetoLiving Multi supports your whole body’s nutritional needs while helping your blood sugar control systems work the best.
KetoLiving Multi Features:
• Specialized multi formula to support those following a ketogenic diet
• Provides the optimal daily value of required nutrients
• Features 100 mg of L-Carnosine that reduces complications of unhealthy blood glucose levels
• Features 500 mg of ALA, L-Taurine, Inositol, NAC and Green Tea to support healthy ketosis
• Specific probiotic strains for proper GI function and maximum ketogenic support
• A base blend of Organic Keto Support Whole Foods enhances the full benefits of the ketogenic diet