Herbatint - Ash Chestnut (4c) has been formulated using the minimum pharmaceutical chemical ingredients which, balanced with vegetal extracts from plants and herbs creates a unique hair colour formula that not only gently colours your hair but protects and nourishes it.
Herbatint's Ash Chestnut (4c) contains no Ammonia, specially formulated from herb extracts and proteins, HERBATINT - uses rosemary, cinchona and walnut husk, to gently deposit colour, achieving a natural, vibrant result for your hair
No Damage
Due to its unique composition, Herbatint Ash Chestnut (4c) permanently colours hair without damage - resulting in a natural, subtle colour that not only looks great, but feels good time after time
Natural Gloss and Shine
Herbatint Ash Chestnut (4c) has a natural translucent property to enhance your hair with a light-reflecting, healthy shine; so it doesn´t create the ´block colour´ look often associated with chemical colourants