Suma Root (also known as Para Todo meaning ‘For All Things’) is one of the most highly regarded South American herbs. The South American Natives have used Suma for centuries. In the last ten years Suma has also become a popular herb amongst Olympic athletes due to its anabolic agents which help to increase muscle-building and endurance without the side affects associated with steroids.
What’s in me?
• Suma root contains a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements.
• Researchers have identified 152 chemical constituents in the root, including 19 amino acids.
• It contains electrolytic and trace minerals such as iron, magnesium, cobalt, silica and zinc, as well as vitamins A, B-1, B-2, E, K and pantothenic acid.
• Suma root has high levels of the trace element germanium, a powerful natural antioxidant which stimulates the immune system.
• It also contains Allantoin which is known to promote wound healing and speeds up cell regeneration and the hormones Sitosterol and Stipmasterol which have been found to be beneficial to the heart and aid in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood.
What can I be used for?
• Doctors and herbalists in South America, North America and Europe have successfully treated people with conditions as diverse as chronic and acute pain, wounds, skin rashes, low energy, sexual disinterest and hormonal disorders
• It is extremely energising and as such is an excellent supplement for those with an active lifestyle.
• It may also help to boost energy, balance the hormones and increase libido!
This action is attributed to the anabolic ecdysteroid glycosides which are found in high amounts in Suma.
Recommended dosage is 500 to 1,000 mg taken up to two to three times per day.
- Capsules: 1-3 capsules up to three times a day.
- Powder: take approximately 1 -2 teaspoons up to three times a day. For body building or weightlifting researchers recommended 500 mg for every 40 lbs of body weight, spread out evenly in two divided doses, for the maximum gain in muscle strength and size.
To date, there are no reports regarding the toxicity and there are no known side effects but we would not recommend use, if pregnant or nursing.