Written By BetterYou
Did you know that 1 in 5 UK adults have insufficient levels of vitamin D? This means its highly likely you will be displaying some of the common symptoms of deficiency without even realising.
Here are some common signs:
1. Aching muscles
Muscle aches are often the first tell-tale sign of a deficiency. Vitamin D supports muscle function because receptors for it are located all over the body, including in the muscles. Vitamin D enters muscle cells when it is metabolised, enhancing muscle contractions, which is vital for preventing falls and for building muscle strength and bones through exercise.
2. Frequent infections
Are you picking up viruses they can’t shake off? Vitamin D is vital to the health of the immune system. Without sufficient amounts, our immune cells are unable to react appropriately leaving us more susceptible to infection.
3. Feeling down
Do you feel low, particularly in autumn/winter? Vitamin D is understood to play a key role in maintaining healthy levels of serotonin in the brain.
4. Constantly tired
Vitamin D is essential for converting food into energy. If you are always tired, a lack of vitamin D could mean you’re not assimilating nutrients from your food and your body’s cellular ability to make energy from what they eat is compromised thanks to a lack of vitamin D.
5. Achy joints and bones
Vitamin D is essential to help regulate calcium and phosphate levels in the body, giving it a key role in the functioning of joints, muscles and teeth and adequate levels help ward off osteomalacia (soft bones) and osteoporosis (loss of bone density) in later life.
Supplementing effectively
An oral spray supplement like the BetterYou Vitamin D spray is an effective method of delivering an active ingredient directly into the bloodstream rather than relying on primary processing by the digestive system. Absorption begins immediately and has been proven as an effective and convenient alternative to tablet and capsule supplementation.