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8 ideas to give your energy levels a natural boost.

Written by Nina Sabat BscHons Dip NT

When you find your energy flagging it’s tempting to reach for some dubious explosive energydrinks or a sugar-laden, carb-rich fix. But these can leave you wired or even more energy depleted than before. Here are 8 ideas to give your energy levels a natural boost. 


8 Ideas to Boost Your Energy, Naturally

Exercise Regularly to Boost Your Energy Naturally

2pm. Your energy’s flagging. You’ve got a long afternoon ahead. Why on earth would you exercise?

Whenever you exercise you increase oxygen circulation in your body. Cardiovascular exercises like aerobics, dancing, running or speed walking are particularly effective at this. As a result you use energy more efficiently.

Exercise also gives you a hormonal hit. These contribute to feelings of reduced pain and anxiety and greater tranquillity. In fact the elusive ‘runner’s high’ is attributed to endocannabinoids, not the opiates that also get released. [1]

Another effect of exercise is on your mitochondria. These little organelles are responsible for producing energy in all of your cells. When you exercise your muscles make more mitochondria. So, in the long-term regular exercise helps your levels of energy naturally increase.


Drink Enough Water for a Natural Energy Boost

Water, water everywhere. So why won’t you have a drink?

You won’t get any energy from the water itself but it keeps your body hydrated, helps you regulate your temperature, supports cellular function and allows the energy-producing metabolic processes to work away in the background.

Would you drive your sports car for miles on end and never put a drop of water in the radiator?

Are you part camel?

Presumably the answers are No and No!

Drink some Actiph Water and keep those energy levels up.


Stick to Your Ideal Sleep Schedule to Boost Your Energy Naturally

Your sleep - wake cycle is your unique schedule of sleeping and waking that spans a 24-hour period. It’s controlled by your internal circadian rhythm and your sleep homeostasis - the ideal amount of time that you need for sleep.

You probably know about the circadian rhythm which directs you to be active or inactive over a 24-hour period, and the rise and fall of hormones, like sleep-inducing melatonin and wakefulness-promoting cortisol and noradrenaline.

If you’ve ever had issues with poor or interrupted sleep, then you’ll know how exposure to blue light from devices or being in strongly lit rooms at night-time or eating too late or drinking too much alcohol or caffeine can easily throw your rhythms out of sync. You’ll also have experienced the exhaustion and grumpiness that lasts throughout the following day.

The first way to help increase your daily energy is by removing anything that disturbs your circadian rhythm and practicing good sleep hygiene. This is more to do with your everyday behaviours. Did you get out in the daylight? Did you exercise or go for a walk? Is your room cool enough, dark enough and quiet enough for sleep?

Then, to maximise your energy levels throughout the day you need to align all these wonderful practices with your sleep - wake cycle. What time do you get sleepy and want to go to bed? What time do you naturally wake up?

There’s a rhythm in their somewhere. Once you find your ideal schedule and stick to it - which means going to bed and getting up at the same time (yes, every day!) - you won’t be crawling out of bed, bleary eyed, and your daily energy levels will soar.

For more tips & suggestions on how to get the best night's sleep check out our previous blog post here!

Refuel with Healthy Fats for a Natural Energy Boost

Healthy dietary fats and oils include the omega-3 oils from fish and algae; oils from seeds and nuts including flax seed and macadamia; omega-9 oils from olives, and the heavier saturated fats such as coconut oil, ghee and butter. Each has a place in the healthy functioning of the body.

As energy-dense nutrients, there’s been concern about dietary fats in respect to overweight and obesity, but nowadays there are many schools of thought on the amounts that can be healthily consumed. One of these is the ketogenic way of eating, where fats and oils are prioritised over carbs.

It’s not even necessary to be eating a fully ketogenic diet, to benefit from this particular energy boost. Instead, you’re tapping into one small element - MCT oil.

MCT oil comes from coconuts, but it’s very different to extra virgin coconut oil.

Firstly, it’s an oil that you really don't want to heat up or cook with. Secondly, it’s an oil which isn’t immediately stored by the body in fat cells. Thirdly, it’s a fabulous source of ketones which are used for energy production and are a potential fuel supply for the brain.

This is what makes MCT oil so special, and why a teaspoon of MCT oil, stirred into smoothies or drizzled over salads can help combat brain fatigue and naturally boost your energy.

Shop Panet Paleo Keto C8 MCT Oil

Drink Caffeine Mindfully to Boost Your Energy Naturally

Drinking moderate amounts of caffeine has been shown to have several beneficial effects, impacting short-term memory, physical, motor and cognitive performance, feelings of ‘energy’ and alertness, and mental fatigue [2]

Caffeine takes the breaks off the central nervous system, causing a flood of serotonin and noradrenaline to be released. This is what gives caffeine its ‘anti-fatigue effects’. [3] After you have a caffeinated drink, it takes between 15 to 45 minutes for the caffeine to show up in your blood stream and levels tend to peak after an hour.

But what does it mean to drink caffeine mindfully?

Say you feel your energy is flagging and you have a meeting / event coming up that requires your focus. You could drink a caffeinated drink around half an hour before it starts. Then you’ll be at peak focus during the meeting. That’s mindful drinking in action.

Coffee, green tea, cacao, yerba mate and guarana, all contain caffeine for a natural energy boost.

Try Ancient + Brave Coffee + Collagen

Try Pukka Herbs Green Collection

Try Rio Amazon Yerba Mate Powder

Try Life Extension Mega Green Tea Extract (Light Caffeine)


Stick To Your Schedule for a Natural Energy Boost

Sometimes it’s all about preserving the inherent energy that you have.

Think of those days when you sleep well, wake up refreshed and enjoy your lovely breakfast. You’re 100% ready to face the day. Then you get to work and start putting out your own and everyone else’s fires. More and more gets added to your plate, and by lunchtime you want to hide in a corner, throw back your head and howl.

I’m pretty certain this sounds familiar. So where did your energy go?

It takes effort and mental energy just to run through a list of to-do’s. If you’ve made your own plans and then need to accommodate those of others, this constant rethinking, readjusting and multi-tasking, can result in mental fatigue and overwhelm.

You’ll remember from a previous post just how important it is to maintain your boundaries, as a way to practise psychological, emotional and professional self-care. If you don’t want to let a hectic schedule suck your energy away, you’ll find more ideas and understanding here: 6 self-care practices to boost your health.

Power up with Protein to Boost Your Energy Naturally

Oddly enough, protein doesn’t contribute directly to energy production, so why is eating good quality protein so important when it comes to keeping your energy levels a boost?

For starters protein helps to build, repair and maintain your body - particularly your muscles. Dynamic muscle function will give you the strength and stamina to power through a hectic day.

There are other, more immediate effects of eating protein. Protein promotes satiety helping to keep you feeling satisfied for longer. [4] You’re more likely to feel energised when you’re not experiencing hunger pangs.

Protein also slows your overall rate of digestion and minimises the fluctuation in blood sugar levels that typically happens after a meal. Your energy levels will feel much more steady if your blood-glucose levels are not on a rollercoaster ride.

Protein-rich foods include eggs, fish and beans, but for an energy boost you could also sip on a protein powder when you’re eating a low-protein meal.

Try Revital Active Protein Powder


Switch to Low-GL Sugars for a Natural Energy Boost

Sugar cravings might seem impossible to beat, especially if you’re in the habit of eating sugary foods when your energy slumps. You might plan to stay strong and not eat biscuits after lunch, only to find you’ve had a couple here and a couple there and before you know it the whole packet is gone. Oops!

But here's the thing. The sugar in your diet really does work as a quick fuel, providing glucose to power your cells. So when your energy starts to flag it makes sense that you’d want to grab a biscuit or two. Unfortunately, there’s lots of research confirming your brain absolutely loves sugar. Craves it. Is addicted to it. So after the first sweet hit, it can be difficult to stop.

In the very long term, your plan might be to side-step the cravings and remove all refined sugar foods from your meals. You might also consider cutting back on fruit, and focusing more on eating non-starchy veg. Or even just try adding a healthy fat, or protein to a sugary meal to try and make it more fulfilling! You can follow our Instagram where we will be posting more satisfying snack and meal recipes soon! 

While you’re figuring out what’s right for you, there are a few swaps you could make straight away. Replacing the sugars that you add to drinks or cook with (white sugar, honey, brown sugar) with alternatives that are less addictive and sweet.

These types of natural sweetener are known as low-GL or low glycaemic sugars. Find xylitol, stevia, coconut sugar and yacon syrup instore at Revital for a natural energy boost.

Smoothie Bowl


There are many ideal ways to boost your energy naturally without depending on energy drinks or a hit of sugary carbs. The types of foods you eat and drink can play a part - like power-promoting protein, low-GL sugars that don’t cause cravings, and healthy oils that refuel your brain. Your daily habits are also important, such as having a regular exercise practise or sticking to a work or sleep schedule that prevents you from overload. Which of these helpful ideas will you try first, to give your energy levels a natural boost?

To check out our full energy range tap here! Also, don't forget to follow us on Instagram, if you have any other topics you'd like us to write about please feel free to DM us! 


[1] Fuss et al (2015) A runner’s high depends on cannabinoid receptors in mice

[2] Harpaz E et al (2016) The effect of caffeine on energy balance

[3] C Walton et al (2002) Effect of caffeine on self‐sustained firing in human motor units

[4] Halton and Wu (2014) The Effects of High Protein Diets on Thermogenesis, Satiety and Weight Loss: A Critical Review

About Nina

Nina Sabat is a registered nutritional therapist and health advisor for Revital. She is focused on improving everyday wellbeing and loves exploring Revital’s extensive supplement range with clients and customers, helping them find their ‘ideal fit’. For more in-depth conversations, you can contact Nina through Revital’s NEW service which offers a video meeting on Zoom in the comfort of your own home.